Our commercial services go beyond just sweeping and moping, we go the extra mile to ensure your facility not only is spotless but is properly disinfected we handle both inside and outside of your facility. Cleaning the parking lots, carpets, bathrooms, and everything in between. Our commercial cleaning services are strong in every area, and you will notice a difference when working with us.
Our carpet cleaning process ensures your carpets look and feel brand new. Our process ensures protection, removal of stains, and bad odors.
Tile flooring is quite common in commercial facilities. Our cleaning processes ensures your tile floors are cleaned and protected which will ultimately increase the life time value of your facilities tile floor.
Improving comfort in a commercial facility starts with a clean couch or waiting room chair. We’re experts when it comes to upholstery ensuring your furniture is free from debris, stains, and pests.
We have experience cleaning many types of surfaces, hardwood floors being one of them. We not only polish but we also apply a protective coating of the floors that leaves them gleaming and protected from day to day foot traffic.
Duct cleaning is a task that’s often overlooked, but we offer this service within our cleaning process because if your ducts are cleaned frequently you have much less dust being dispersed throughout your facility and you have a much better air quality for your occupants.
Cleaning a commercial facility goes beyond the insides. At Dry Out Daddy we also clean the exterior of the facility because a having a well maintained exterior can often times prevent interior messes or debris being tracked from the outside to the inside.
At Dry Out Daddy Restoration we recognize that every facility is distinct, we tailor our clean up services to address the specific needs of each facility type.